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Danielle 05-26-2006 03:11 AM
Hi there everyone, I am new to this site, I have been reading much about ADR and find this site really helpful. I have suffered with constant lower back pain for 9yrs, I have been on anti-inflammatorys for that time as well as pain killers and muscle relaxants - to no avail! I have had 3 steroid injections, physio, accupunture, etc etc - nothing has worked. My doctors just think I am mad! Eventually so tired of the pain and 3 children to look after, I paid privately for my own MRI scan and then to see Mr K Lam in London, whom I was told was very good. Mr Lam informed me that I have disc herniation at L4/L5 and some nerves that are trapped - he advised an ADR operation. My local authority however will not fund the operation with Mr Lam, saying he is out of area for me (I live in Dorset) and they have offered me a Mr Evan Davies from Southampton - I cannot find any information on this surgeon apart from a couple of people locally telling me he likes fusion! Does anyone have any advise? Has anyone been in the same position as me? Does anyone know anything about this Mr E Davies?
I feel positive about the ADR with Mr Lam, and I have also looked at Germany and Mr Bertagnoli, but I am loathed to trust another surgeon with such a big operation - Please Help!

Any advice would be greatly appreciated
Thanks, Danielle

David 05-26-2006 04:48 AM

I think that Alastair should be able to make the best recommendations (I would imagine that he will notice this post shortly).

In the mean time, try searching across all forums for "Alastair", and see what you can come across.

By the way, even though I am currently in a holding pattern for ADR in the U.S., I wouldn't hesistate to chose Dr. Zeegers (probably over 1,500 ADR procedures) or Dr. Bertagnoli (probably well over 1,000 ADR procedures) for this surgery.

As a side note, I believe that I have heard many people note of Mr. Lam's experience in ADR, but again, I will completely defer to Alastair's experience in the matter...

Welcome to the forum!


JayFerg 05-26-2006 09:55 AM

Hi, Danielle.......
Welcome to the club! You and I have a lot in common - struggling with the daily pain, trying all the "conservative" methods, consuming the meds that are getting increasingly harder to come by (at least here in South Florida where pain docs are going to the slammer at an alarming rate). I don't have any advice to offer, yet I want you to know that I'm a fellow traveler like you. And I want to her how your journey goes. Keep hanging in there, and focus on faith - give God your pain every day. I surrender mine daily. All the best to you....

chasswen 05-26-2006 11:44 AM

a very warm welcome danielle
very sorry to hear of your pain.
if possibe i would push for dr lam or germany
alastair is very well informed and from your neck of the woods and im sure he will have some sound advice for you.
again welcome

Harrison 05-26-2006 02:46 PM

Danielle, welcome! Let me know if I can help in any way.

PS: Alastair is attending his son's wedding, he'll be coming back soon to chime in and help...

Harrison 05-27-2006 06:56 AM

This is pasted from the same topic (now deleted):

May 26, 2006, 11:04 PM
Dale S
Dear Danielle,

I'm furious at disbelieving doctors. I hope that once the MRI proved your pain wasn't in your head that you were reimbursed for the cost.

I know nothing of the health care system or the doctors in the UK though we have severel members that live there and can advise you better than I. I do want to tell you that Dr. B is indeed at the top of the ladder. I was quite surprised at the level of care I received in Germany by everyone concerned. The nursing staff is excellent and my concern over the language barrior proved unfounded. All the doctors are approachable and listen intently to the specifics of your pain. You might want to consider sending him your films via the internet or email for an online consultation.

Knowledge is power and you should explore not only which doctor is best for you, but also learn more about the specifics of your condition. This forum is an excellent source.

I wish you luck whatever you decide,

Dale S
3 level ProDisc Dr. B
Oct. 12, 2005
Slow Healing but doing OK
May 27, 2006, 06:39 AM
SmilerHi Dale, Thanks for your reply, I have e-mailed Germany for some info and costs - can I just ask you if your operation was a success - are you glad you went ahead with it? I feel as though my whole life revolves around my back, so many people have said to me to be very careful about operations involving the spine - however for me there doesn't seem to be a choice, I have no quality of life anyway - Its good to hear about positive outcomes

Kind regards

Lisa T 05-27-2006 07:18 AM

Hi Danielle, i had ADR surgery 9 weeks ago, 1 level L5/S1, after researching ADR surgery i decided i needed the most experienced surgeon i could get, i went to Germany, the Alphaklinik, and was operated on by Drs Zeegers, i can not speak highly enough about Drs Zeegers and the Alphaklinik, they were wonderful, i'm doing really well, my recovery is excellant. Going by what i've read on this site Mr Lam does have a very good reputation, but i would highly recommennd Drs Zeegers. Please feel free to mail me if you have any questions, i live in the U.K.
Best wishes

1Level ADR L5/S1
Drs Zeegers

tmont 05-27-2006 10:01 AM

Hi Danielle,

My post was deleted along with yours, so I'll just repeat: Welcome

Alastair is the person to PM, as he knows Dr Lam well, and he's got lots of experience and connections on 'our' side of the puddle.

Looking forwarding to reading more from you soon.


livjoyful 05-28-2006 09:23 AM

Welcome. You will find so much help and support here. I am just over 3 weeks post-op and dont what I would have done without the help and support of everyone on this board. Previous advice is great. Lean on God, thats what He is there for, and loves to help us.

Alastair 05-29-2006 02:34 AM

Hi Danielle,
your Mr Davies has been in Southampton and qualified in 1990, he does have a website which looks as if it's under construction here
I don't know anything about him at all, about his successes or failures or his abilities.

Unless you have a medical condition that requires a specific fusion proceedure, nowadays ADR is MUCH better

Under the new law you are entitled to a choice of five surgeons, I don't have your immediate e-mail address so cannot post you with information about that. Please e-mail me by clicking on my name. I had my surgery across with Dr Zeegers who of course is the world's most experienced ADR surgeon.

I consider Mr Lam the finest spine surgeon in the country at this time and would have no problems recommending him. If you had to go for an option to Mr Lam and make your PCT pay for it, what about Mr Shair in Peterborough, I know it's a long way from you but he has a good site here if you can't get in with Mr Lam.

There are a number of us who have been across the Germany to Dr Zeegers for ADR. Not many have been to Dr Bertanogli, but a lot of the Americans have.

I'm fairly totally exhausted today, we had my eldest son's wedding at weekend. Please e-mail me if you think I can help any further, and if you want a chat leave me a phone number with your area code please -- -- -- I have an hours free phone call, on any phone call within the UK

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