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ans 12-26-2005 12:54 AM

Well, I"m going to try water therapy at my gym's pool if I don't get locked up when they see me. I've got the waist belt, and ordered the hand "webs" and leg floats. Hopefully I'll be able to "run" in water for an aerobic workout since everything else re: aerobics hurts me and I got nuts w/o this release.

Anyone ever use these devices to "run" in water for aerobics? Success?

Happy New Year.


Harrison 12-26-2005 05:00 PM

Alan, I received a protruding disc (L1-L2) for Christmas, so I started water walking today. I used one of the belts in the link and it was simple & effective.

I've been doing stretching, a zillion pull-ups and will continue with the waterwalking...I like it!

ans 12-26-2005 07:44 PM

I'm sorry you've got more disc problems. (How?).

Do you find that you can get an aerobic workout by waterwalking. I ordered the mitts on the website that I hope will cause enough resistance. Anything's better than nothing but I wonder if running on water (even with leg floats) can cause too much spinal loading.

Good luck Harrison and Happy Holidays. Many pull-ups for an older fella like yourself is quite an accomplishment.

djscal 12-26-2005 10:51 PM


Water therapy has been fantastic for me. I always feel better afterwards. The water's soothing properties and floatless environment are ideal for P.T. I can't run in the water, but I can walk. The pool that I go to has jets that they turn on to give me extra resistance that I walk against.

Highly recommended.


12-26-2005 11:16 PM

I see that you are in LA. Are you familiar with a gym on National near Motor Ave? I think the name is Complete PT. There is a woman there who heads the water therapy program, Linda Huey. She sells all sorts of hydrotherapy equipment. I used to go there for P.T. They specialise in the water therapy exercises.

After I finished my P.T. there I bought a belt and weights and used them during the summer in the pool where I live. Now that it is cold this stuff is a bit cumbersome to take to a gym. I belong to Bally's and their pool is only 4 ft. which is not deep enough to use the belt.

Complete PT gives classes using the belts. You may enjoy trying it. The gym is very nice, the pool very warm and they have a great Jacuzzi.

I loved the exercises in the water, running/power walking and it did help quite a bit.

After the workout it helps to put weights on your ankles, use a couple of the noodles to hold you up and just dangle for a while. The weights pulling on your legs, while the noodles hold you up gives you temporary pain relief by stretching you and in my case taking the pressure off of the nerve.

Let me know how you do.

PS-Are you a patient of Dr. Lauryssen? I saw him to get into the trial for the Charite and Kineflex. It all depends on if my insurance will pay for the disk.

Best wishes,

12-26-2005 11:23 PM

Complete PT has all of the equipment there. You could get a prescription from your doctor and go there for water therapy or pay $15.00 for a class. They show you how to do some very good workouts.

Dan-where do you go in LA for water workouts?
I had gone for awhile in Beverly Hills to a physical therapy place where I walked in a tank and they put jets on to increase resistance. That also was very good. I should get back to doing that. Thanks for the reminders!

djscal 12-27-2005 04:33 AM


I go to Healthsouth physical therapy at The Howard Hughes Center in Westchester, CA.

Jim M2 12-27-2005 02:27 PM

All you need is a 'swamp thing' or 'lagoon creature' mask and you'll get the pool all to yourself. I hope it works out for you.


ans 12-27-2005 02:35 PM

Freshfig, this place looks great:

Fresh, I used to belong to Bally's and my gym's pool is only 4.5 feet at most. Do you think it's possible to get a safe aerobic workout by wearing a waist-float and using hand "wings" to slow down as one "runs" from A to B? (Using leg floats to dampen the impact). Even with this I'm leery of using a pool this shallow to water therapy. Am I right? The check'll be in the mail. (Any stroke maims me for days later).

I called about prices cuz insurance won't pay much re: PT. (Maybe long-term private rates?).

Just found out that the City Of West Hollywood's pool is 9' deep in a spot. Now that seems great if my instincts are correct that swimming/treading water in place is a good aerobic workout (Maria mentioned this somewhere that she was advised of this).

I saw Dr. L. several years ago but shifted to Regan b/c he wasn't doing ADRs then. I liked him, thought he was extremely bright, and he took the time to actually answer questions.

So thanks all for your advice - esp. you Jim.

And Dan, feel better or this old man will whup you.


PS Sounds like an LA get-together could happen again.

12-27-2005 08:13 PM

4.5 ft. will not do it. I use the pool where I live and I have tried at all different depths. I don't know how tall you are but you probably need at least 6 ft. Thats why Bally's doesn't work for me. Yes Complete PT (thanks for the site)is really nice! I loved it but they eventually told me that my time was up. It all depends on the insurance coverage. I would go back in a second, and may do that except right now my hand is in a cast, torn ligament repair, from when I fell several years ago.

If you can get there it may be worth a trip just to see what is offered and how all of the equipment is used. They use Linda Huey's equipment there and it is all top of the line.

When you're running in the pool you stay in essentially one place. You can kind of power walk and then you're using your arms and legs. Leg weights make the workout even better but if you have low back problems then the weights will just make things worse.

Yes Dr. L is very nice. He is doing the Charite vs. Kineflex trial. I don't know hom many AR's he has done.

Keep me posted on your pool adventures!

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