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Poncho 12-22-2004 01:47 PM

Yep, snow storm expected to begin sometime later this afternoon. The are predicting like up to 6 inches here. But, I think it will be more like 2-4. Sometimes they exaggerate a bit. Then after today, the temperatures are going to really go down. Christmas day, the highs will be like in the teens and the low around -2. (Farenheight that is)....So, I think this snow is going to be hanging out for awhile.

I like the snow if there is enough to like have fun with it like snomobile or something like that. (something that I have only done once in my life and was only a short ride) OR go sledding (yes there are a couple places up here on the plains we can do this)... However, after Christmas, I think it can all just melt away. - I know wishful thinking.

So, for me today that means getting some grocery shopping done for Christmas Day so that I don't have to push grocery carts through the snow. Not easy to do with a good back. Those spineys living up this way - be extra careful walking outside! Also, some last minute Christmas items to pick up too. -perhaps one or two more things.

Also, managed to get a 9 foot tree up in the last week. It is the 2nd tree I had to put up because the last one we got was missing some parts - soooo we ended up taking it back (It was a 6 ft tree.) The 9 foot is MUCH BIGGER than what I thought it was! (the 6 foot tree looked like nothing compared to this one) I have ran out of ornaments for it and only have the visible side decorated. Though, I'm sure to figure something out. I can't reach the top of it to put the star on (standing on a step ladder and I am fairly tall at 5'7). So the hubster is going to have to take care of that issue.

Then tonight, it is X-mas cookie baking and of course making some dog biscuits for our puppies. (My brother and I have no children - yet - so our dogs are our "children") - Soo, the holiday is really going to keep us busy through Christmas weekend anyways. My husband and I will be holding Christmas at our house this year because of our house size and location. Soooo, 6 up to 10 adults, 3 dogs, & 2 cats, one baby on the way - NO, it is not mine -> my sister in law is expecting). Should be interesting. Especially, with all of the food hanging around.

Anyways, I thought I would share some of my X-mas plans even though it was sort of hard for me to get in the mood for it (especially when all of the marketing begins in October). But now, as the season approaches us - and thinking back over the past year - It makes me realize all of the things we have been through. I know that I have a lot to be thankful for.

I would love to hear some other members X-mas plans and what they have been up to in order to prepare for it. Also, any spiney tips would be helpful too.

Alastair 12-22-2004 02:02 PM

It looks like it's going to be a white Christmas in the UK on Christmas Day.

All the last minute preparations have been done and we expect two of our three sons to be with us over the festive time. The third son lives outside Oxford, and his wife is expecting our first grandchild in March. He and his friends are doing the last bit of decorating and the final preparations so that everything is ready for the new baby.

I think I've been good this year, so I'm hanging my stocking up and hoping that Santa will not pass my chimney -- -- --lol

A spiney tip here, as well bending at the knees when lifting anything, try to fit in any stretching or exercises first thing in the morning. Try not to sit too long or stand too long, and if you're standing and your legs are getting cramp, try and bend at the knees just a fraction

Poncho 12-23-2004 12:25 PM

Sounds like a nice Christmas Sir Alastair!!! I have hung my stocking too. Hoping not to get a lump of coal I think I have been good too - so we will see what St Nick thinks about my behavior.

Well, we got snow over night about 4-5 inches. Bone chilling cold here. Temps over the next 3-4 days not good. Like Christmas Eve the low will be -10 farenheight!!! - Buurrrrr! I hope Santa is really fat this year - he is going to need it!!!!

Anyone else care to share what they are doing over the holidays?

Philippa 12-23-2004 12:57 PM

Having experienced Christmas in the USA first hand I suspect all of you over the Pond will have a lovely time.

We are a bit further South than Alastair, so unfortunately can only look forward to rain.

Off to my in-laws for the big day which will be fun, the only downside is not enough chairs to go round, and no comfortable ones. I will have to keep moving I guess. Thanks for the good tips though Alastair.

Wishing you all the best and hopefully Santa brings you what you would like (decent painkillers would be good!)

Take care

Harrison 12-23-2004 04:47 PM

The only thing I'll be doing is visiting the parents with my wife, which will be relaxing and nice.

OH! One more thing I'll be doing if Doreen gives me her 6 lucky numbers -- buying lottery tickets!

Yo, Queen of bout it?!

Mariaa 12-23-2004 06:39 PM

I love California so's pretty mild here and hub and I will be going into LA to hang out with my father's bro (my A&E) that day and whoever else shows up over there. Going to eat Italian - forget about turkey...
I've not seen a white Christmas since about 1980 and it's fine w/me. I really like it when we have an 80 degree sunny Christmas and I spend time at the beach~

Jim M2 12-24-2004 03:48 PM

Merry Christmas Everyone!

It's very white here in Louisville, KY. Very cold as well, expecting -3F tonight.


mmglobal 12-24-2004 05:10 PM

Merry Christmas everyone... Here's to a great holiday season and an even better 2005!

Pain free vibes out in all directions....


PS... thanks to Harrison / Rich for Nicely done!

imported_PStewart 12-24-2004 08:29 PM

I bought and carried my Douglas Fir (by myself hehe) and set it up in my living room. Decorated and did the whole 9 yards. And Im not including all the XMas shopping. I am reminded by Marks statement that some spineys would kill to have this I will be grateful this season.

I am at my Dad'd house this Xmas....they dont have a real tree like mine! Well Ill be bacl to my own tree tomorrow.

Merry Christmas!!


Alastair 12-25-2004 04:58 AM

Its snow today in Yorkshire - -just a dusting

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