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Nairek 02-18-2007 08:20 PM

Well, I got my denial to my 2nd level appeal on Friday. I was only able to convince 1 of the 3 "doctors" to side with me. I guess I should be happy that I got at least 1 to agree.

After reading the report several times, I just got more & more ticked off at these quacks. One dumb SOB had the nerve to say that my pain was in my head. That's a pretty dangerous observation from someone who's never even seen the patient.

The other dumba$$ just listed things that weren't true & had these "doctors" read the literature that I sent and my OS's reports, they would realize just how dumb their responses were.

I'm just so emotionally drained at this point. I was lead to believe by the folks at my insurance company that I would likely see their decision overturned by the 2nd level appeal. I don't even know where to go from here now other than to crawl into a dark hole & stay there. Maybe then my brain will tell my back & neck to stop hurting. Thank you for listening to my ramblings. I'm off to attempt the homework I've put off for the past week.

LBP 02-18-2007 09:00 PM

I am so sorry... sorry for you and sorry that I personally know how you feel!

these drs are paid to tell the insurance company what they want to hear. You could see 10 more treaters and never come close to the opinions you've read in that report.

Harrison 02-19-2007 08:41 AM

Karin, I am sorry about this setback. I'll noodle this a bit more, let's catch up soon.

Nairek 03-01-2007 07:52 PM

Thank you both for listening to my rant. I needed to step back for a bit & try to regroup hence why it has taken so long to get back to you.

It is absolutely unreal that a health care insurer can sit there & deny medical treatment to someone who so desperately needs it. Everyone I speak to about this is shocked that this sort of thing happens.

From the looks of things, it seems that I am fresh out of appeals. I'm not sure what my next step will be. I'm still really bummed out about the decision & haven't really thought about it. In the meantime, I'll just hold on to the hope that my numbers come up in the Mega Millions drawing on Friday night.

Texas-T 03-05-2007 09:38 PM

I'm so sorry. I wish I knew the answer, it's just not fair or right.

Thinking of you

JFerg 03-07-2007 07:51 AM

Nairek...........I'm not sure how it works in N.Y. or with your insurance co. I have been denied 2x's by United Health Care in writing to me personally and once with the surgeon and I jointly composing a letter. That whoe process took up to a year to get through. My insurance co. says my next alternative is either through my employer requesting to the co. or through the state insurance commission in Tallahassee. I've chosen the state route as I didn't want the employer here going into my personal life any further than they must. I've also sought counsel from an attorney whose specialty is insurance claims. Of course, all this requires time, patience and money. In the meantime, I'm doing all I can not to allow the pain to control my life. I'm taking advantage of the procedures my insurance co. does cover (that's also a step to seeing that all my bases are covered), but I've gotten fairly good results recently from some of the procedures. Like the Manipulation Under Anesthesia really opened up the lower back and legs - a big relief. More recently, a shot into the piriformis muscle to attempt to relieve my constant companion - sciatica. Some relief from that though I'm not a big believer in the injections. So while you're doing some consideration on your next move and since our problems are quite the same, there are some open doors to keep knocking that lead to other open doors......resilience is not born but created................all the best to you.....we're listening and with you.

Terry 03-07-2007 11:47 AM


I can't speak for your personal financial situation but this is what I had to do. I had a lawsuit going on over the accident that caused a collapse in my spine of previous damaged discs. Blue Cross denied the local surgeon's payment for putting in 2 Charite discs in my lower spine. He wanted 55,000 for 2 discs (Charite). I then went to Germany and had 4 level ADR surgery at a cost of 60,805.00 plus travel, hotel, food for two. Blue Cross denied that surgery claiming it was investigational. I had the surgery and got money back from my lawsuit. I shelled out 73,000 from the time of the accident out of my pocket for co-pays with surgery on my damaged shoulder, medications, MRI's, myleogram, discogram, epidurals, trigger point injections, etc., etc. I got 71,330 after my attorney was paid. I then got 3700 from AFLAC leaving me with a little ahead money. Considering I got nothing for two years of pain and suffering after the accident I did not get rich. I received word two weeks ago that Blue Cross paid my surgery in full. The hospital in Germany has since wired my money back to me.
You may look overseas to get cheaper surgery and get it refunded vs. very expensive surgery in the States not being covered.

Definitely a risk but it paid off in the end. I've seen one level bills in the States running as high as what I got having four levels done.

Good-luck and continue to fight the good fight.

Terry Newton

ZorroSF 03-09-2007 02:02 AM

Terry's right. My hospital in San Francisco is trying to charge me and my insurance company $140,000 for one level prodisc. you can forsee the mind-numbing thievery taking place here in the US, so if you can afford it just go to germany. After your surgery you'll have a lot more energy to chase insurance companies.

Nairek 05-14-2007 08:12 PM

Hi everyone, once again, please forgive me for taking so long to get back to you. I've just had a lot of stuff going on in my life & had to take a break from posting for a while. I have lost all of my appeals with my insurance company. I have also chosen to appeal to the NYS Dept. of Insurance. They sent my appeal to an "outside reviewing authority" who upheld my insurance company's decision. While I have appealed this decision, & hope to get off my duff & appeal the denial again, in my heart I know I have lost my fight to have Empire pay for this procedure.

As for going to Germany to have ADR surgery, I have thought of it. I do have family there. They are a few hours away from Straubing. I would have to ask my mother to go with me so she could translate. What keeps me from going thru with the decision to go is money. Until I can get that figured out, I'm kinda left out in the cold.

Years ago, when my mom came to America, she needed surgery on her hip & leg. She found a wonderful doctor at NYU who was kind enough to take her case just about pro bono. Wouldn't it be great if there were still doctors in the world today who still did this? I wish mine would help me out. The healthcare system in this country is very disappointing.

In any event, I will try once again with the state to try & get the denial reversed. I'm a stubborn PIA & don't take no as an answer very easily. I hope to find more time to post on the boards. I wish those who are still fighting luck & to those recovering, all the best on your recovery.

ans 05-15-2007 02:03 PM


I'm sorry that this has happened; you've been fighting for so long. I have the same insurance company too..

Good luck - Allan

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