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Cat-mt 07-09-2005 02:44 AM

Hello All, I'm working on my third appeal. I read the post with the article "When F.D.A. Says Yes, but Insurers Say No" in the article it says �Johnson is hoping to gain more support after the publication on July 15 of two articles on the F.D.A. trial data in Spine, a peer-reviewed medical journal.�We expect that will lead to a new round of policy reviews," said John Argiro, director of reimbursement for DePuy Spine, the Johnson subsidiary that makes the disk�. Now here is my question does anyone get the Spine Journal or have access to the entire articles, not just the abstract?? I need to include the new information in my appeal. If anyone has any thing that I could use for my third appeal, I would appreciate it very much. If anyone would like I can email a copy of my last denial letter. This is the last appeal for me. So the most current data I can give them the better. Thanks everyone in advance for everything!! Cathy

Alastair 07-09-2005 04:45 AM

There is a link to the Spine Journal in the FAQ`s your reading is limited tho` because that is free


Harrison 07-09-2005 10:49 AM


I dunno what Alastair is talking about -- but if you can't find what you need, let me know.

lisa 07-09-2005 11:04 AM

Most journals will let you order a single article for $20 or $30 from the publisher

Pub med runs a service to order articles that's usually a bit cheaper for people who don't have access to journals. Often local public medical libraries participate, see one libary's page about this

Even cheaper is find a medical library open to the public and just xerox it yourself

list of medical libraries open to the public

Alastair 07-09-2005 02:39 PM

From the FAQ -- -- -- we're running into page 2 now Harrison so maybe this is why you didn't see this. You can tell why I get lonely down there can't you -- -- -- I get so few visitors -- -- -- lol

Can I read the spine journal?

Yes you can, you cannot get into the depths of it but as a non subscribed person you can view most of the summaries here -- -- -- have a good look round.You can only read the abstracts though.
The European Spine Journal is here

Ordinary Spine Journal here;jse ssionid=Atm9rvTjkbqZFjwz61ky0MTWFIkUQ2xspF5mH1QLWl Oi8AkLTUmm!177270569

Kim 07-09-2005 03:30 PM

I am in the appeals process too and if I get denied again as I am afraid that I will, I would like to get copies of these also in order to file my last appeal. If anyone gets these, would you share????????? Thanks in advance

kristi 07-17-2005 12:36 PM

I am in a hurry to get info for my second appeal, and the appeal person said we needed to submit only new information. I will go to a medical librry in a nearby town.
I will certainly help you if I can.

Justin 07-17-2005 11:56 PM


Click here and scroll down to my post dated 7/17/05--I posted links to two new Spine Journal abstracts that were published on 7/15/05.

I hope this helps,


sfmcfar 07-18-2005 11:03 AM

Has anybody read the editorials in the July Spine entitled "Editorial Response to Parts 1 and 2 of the FDA IDE Study of Lumbar Total Disc Replacement With the Charite[TM] Artificial Disc Vs. Lumbar Fusion"? Was curious as to whether they were positive or negative with regards to ADR...

kristi 07-20-2005 09:58 PM

I went to the medical library today and got a copy of the two articles I think we need. At least I hope they are the right ones. You can get a copy of one by sending a request to and the other one at The librarians were unable
to get the editorials, so if they are positive, please let me know. Also do you have any good articles to use? I am trying to get things together for my appeal as soon as possible. I copied a couple of other articles, but I'm not sure if they are good to use or not.
That's it for now.

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