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Old 05-18-2013, 01:20 PM
SpineInSecurity SpineInSecurity is offline
Join Date: Jan 2012
Posts: 32

The part I'm dreading is getting off coffee. I work in IT, so there's blood in my caffeine system.

I'm going to start cutting down on my caffeine intake two weeks pre-op so I don't get cut off cold turkey at the hospital. Between that and having to stop the NSAIDS, I'm probably going to be a cranky bear.
April '98 - Injured @ work
Oct '98 - Declared "permanent and stationary" by workers' comp docs
10 years of PT and chiropractic...
Oct '08 - Sudden incapacitating lumbar / sciatic pain with foot drop
April '09 - L5-S1 microdiscectomy fixes foot drop and most of the pain
May '11 Hey doc, I'm tired of my neck hurting...
Dec '11 - C5-6 Prodisc-C
July '12 - Neck is still doing well. L5-S1 is "done" - bone on bone
July '13 - L4-L5-S1 TLIF
Aug '13 - C7-T1 microdiskectomy
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