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Old 10-29-2013, 08:26 AM
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LauraB LauraB is offline
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Strangely enough - I was told the same thing from my neurologist as well. I had experienced muscle spasms and moderate to severe migraines that WAS related to my neck problems. When I experienced these "headaches," I could feel physical pain at the base of my neck which radiated over the top of my head with skull-crushing intensity. My muscle and nerve pain was ALWAYS tied to any type of upper body movement. After my surgery, I've only experienced one extreme headache (just this past weekend); I'm not sure if it was at all related to my neck - as it felt somewhat different.

I can certainly empathize with your pain as it can be so debilitating. I agree with JSS; you need to obtain other opinions - not necessarily to get the "magic" answer you seek, but to get continuity with diagnosis and treatment plans. Whether my migraines are completely cured, or degenerative disc disease (I believe) has been stopped in its path. I am hoping that my ADR protects (absorbing the mobile energy displaced by my prior fusion) the adjacent levels.

How long have you experienced these symptoms? Also do you have past diagnostics that indicate changes in these levels? I waited five years (due to my obstinate stand on fusion) with alternating symptoms - never quite sure what to came a time when the quality of life dictates intervention.
2006 C 5/6 discectomy and fusion
2008 Automobile Accident
C3/4 leftward bulging of intervertebral disc mild narrowing of left lateral recess
C4/5 central and rightward bulging of disc and osteophyte causing mild right neural foramen stenosis narrowing and right lateral recess narrowing
C6/7 Central disc bulging and osteophyte and hypertrophy of ligamentum flavum canal stenosis and narrowing of bilateral neural foramina
Sept 9, 2013 Scheduled with Dr. Bierstedt C4/5 & C6/7 M6
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