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Old 10-30-2013, 02:00 PM
cgmagoo cgmagoo is offline
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Join Date: Sep 2013
Posts: 6


Thank you so much for your honest words and advice.

All I am trying to do is rid myself of these darn tension headaches (migraines) and the constant muscle spams and knots in my neck and shoulders. They get so bad that I can't function. I have been having them since I was 21 years old but they have gotten worse and more frequent. In the last month, I have been getting 2 or 3 episodes where I would be going to the emergency room if I didn't use a a shot that my pain clinic gave me. I have 2 left and don't know what I will do when I run out.

I have been keeping a daily diary also and the tension headaches are not as bad if I do nothing, which I have been doing.

But you are right! It doesn't sit well with me that the Neurosurgeon saying that ADR will not work and fusion is the best way to go. And I am afraid if I go to another Neurosurgeon that they will say the same thing.

But I do think that I should get another opinion and if then take it from there. I am not showing signs of paralysis so I guess I don't have to be in a hurry to get surgery.

Again thank you for taking the time to respond to me.

"cgmagoo" - Herniated disc at c5/c6, compressing spinal cord and foraminal stenosis
2013 - PT each 3months
2012 - 2013 - 6 Epidural injections, C5/C6
2010 & 2013 - RFA at facet joints
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