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Old 02-13-2014, 10:01 PM
pittpete pittpete is offline
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Stone, thing is i went to see them in person in NY.
Illerhaus and Biersdadt barely talked and Peterson did all the talking.
My question here is i have 2 well known doctors with 2 different surgical recommendations.
Biersdadt through Malte Peterson says 3 level
Clavel says hybrid fusion/ADR due to my steep sacral slope and leave L3-L4.
I would of course contact Dr. B again before considering the actual surgery.
I also came across a nice article about a steep sacral slope
Dynamic Reconstruction of the Spine - Google Books
Born 1970/1995-Hurt at work/1996-Right disc fragment L4-L5 discectomy-On/off back pain,no serious leg pain until/2007-Right herniation L5-S1,recurrent small herniation at L4-L5 with unbearable leg pain/6/08 discectomy L5-S1/leg pain relieved/occaisional mechanical pain/2012-Cymblata 60 mg,occasional aleve/2014-LB pain not debilitating but chronic,Rhizotomy relieves facet pain on right side/2015-L4-S1 facets shot/4/15 PLIF L4-S1 with facectomy
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