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Old 04-01-2014, 01:20 PM
drewrad drewrad is offline
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Join Date: Jan 2014
Posts: 629

So, funny story. I'm talking to this guy over the weekend from Canada who had a 4 level Prodisc with Dr. Bergnatoli a little over a year ago, who's doing great BTW. Anyway, I'm asking him how he's holding up. He says pretty good. I ask the obvious question, 'Are you in pain?'

'No', he says. 'Unless I overdo it.'

'What do you mean?' I ask. 'You mean if you carry the groceries in or something?'

'No' he says. Like if I'm at work at the shop and I have to lift something really heavy like 300 or 400 lbs.'

Weightlifter since 12 years old, now mid-40's and figuring out this wasn't such a good idea.

Chronic back pain started in 2010 while shrugging weights that a 40 yr. old shouldn't even try.

MRI in 2012 showing L4/L5, L5/S1 herniations and L2/L3 bulge.

L5/S1 taking on new shape, chronic sciatica, etc.

DEXA bone scan performed 5/7/14 showing mild osteopenia.

Surgery performed July 9th, 2014, Dr Clavel, hybrid three level lumbar.
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