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Old 04-02-2014, 02:28 PM
adrigail adrigail is offline
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Join Date: Oct 2012
Posts: 107


I agree with Frank, you are killing yourself with worry. no matter what information you get from any other person, it will never be sufficient for your situation.
I'm 10 month's out from 1 level, starting to feel pretty good now that nerves are starting to die down. I've got a 3 level ahead of me, and I can't wait to get it done.

Pick a day, any day, to end your self torture and go with your gut. You probably have far more information at this point than anyone on here. We don't want to see you in pain. We've all been there/done that.

Just a little un-solicited advice from someone who can over-think a little himself.

2006-2011 Chiro, epidural steroids, nsaids, PT for L4-5 bulge/annular tear
April 25th 2012 35MPH rear end collision, blows out L4-5 and ADDS a tear in C4-5
Cancelled ADR to continue conservative therapies
April 10th 2013: Insurance re-approved and I'm scheduling lumbar ADR for end of the month!
*schedule* ADR Prodisc L April 29th 2013
5-2-2013 ADR using Prodisc L
7-10-2013 New MRI on neck. Surgeon DOES NOT recommend ADR for Cervical.

"I'll be your Huckleberry"
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