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Old 07-16-2014, 02:24 AM
drewrad drewrad is offline
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Posts: 629

One thing Dr Clavel emphasized is that any ADR at the L5/S1 level will experience greater sheer forces, Activ L, ProDisc or M6L, any of which could fail due to sheer forces. He's guided away from L5/S1 and looks intently at sacral slope, mine being nearly 70 degrees was too steep. I prefer it anyway and already intuited that prior to any doc telling me since it just made sense. Hybrid, fusion the angular bottom and stack ADRs flat like pancakes above that at more steady levels. Just 'saw it' and knew from observation and had already determined 'sheer force' in my own God given common sense. Who knew I could have done neuro seminars? LOL.

I wasn't planning on any pickup basketball games or setting downhill slalom skiing records at 45 yrs old regardless. My goals were simple. Live a quiet life, enjoy family and friends, no more weightlifting, but still do Stairmaster and treadmill, perhaps machines. And just be able to sit in a chair, drive a car, etc.
Weightlifter since 12 years old, now mid-40's and figuring out this wasn't such a good idea.

Chronic back pain started in 2010 while shrugging weights that a 40 yr. old shouldn't even try.

MRI in 2012 showing L4/L5, L5/S1 herniations and L2/L3 bulge.

L5/S1 taking on new shape, chronic sciatica, etc.

DEXA bone scan performed 5/7/14 showing mild osteopenia.

Surgery performed July 9th, 2014, Dr Clavel, hybrid three level lumbar.
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