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Old 07-25-2014, 03:45 PM
atxmom atxmom is offline
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Join Date: Jul 2014
Posts: 11

My surgeon is at TBI. I actually spoke with 2 of them at my appointment. I know what I need to do, get more opinions, research, etc. but the journey to even getting to this point has drained me. I've been holding on to the fact that I could finally have a surgery soon to keep me moving forward the past few months. Now after this appointment, I feel so emotional. Like I don't Have any fight left, I'm just overwhelmed.

They told me that right now the priority is not pain management but to preserve my spinal cord. That really I need to be looking at surgery within the next weeks, no longer than that. There isn't anything protecting my spinal cord right now and a small accident like falling of a ladder or slip & fall could be catastrophic for me. I'm also under the clock because I will only have a limited amount of time with this insurance.

At my first appointment at TBI I had a time convincing them that taking a dose pak of predinisone and naproxen for two weeks wouldn't really help me and MRI couldn't wait. Now I'm told surgery can't wait & good chance I will have an increase of pain afterwards, and possibility that the fusion could further compromise my C6-7 which is already herniated but cord is preserved.
C3-4 5mm protrusion; cord contact
C4-5 3mm protrusion; cord contact
C5-6 3mm protrusion; Retrolisthesis 3mm; cord contact
C6-7 2mm protrusion; no cord contact

Waiting for 1st surgery
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