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Old 11-19-2014, 03:49 AM
nomorecdl nomorecdl is offline
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Join Date: Nov 2014
Posts: 9

Yes, the fast weight gain absolutely is due to inactivity, and also because as most of you all surely know it's very depressing when this kind of injury ruins your way of life. It's such a shame cause I was doing so well, landed a good job with a promising career, living on my own in my own house, and I bought the very first vehicle I was able to finance 100% on my own just a couple months before in April, which was a Can Am Commander UTV. For those of you that are unfamiliar, it's kinda like a very powerful golf kart on extreme steroids that is primarily for off roading purposes. Every month now and for a long while more I am and will continue to be, reminded how much i miss that life i used to have when i have to pay on the loan for it too
It took a few days for it to sink in and become a recognized reality, but once it did and i realized it was true about how bad I had actually been hurt and how much my life will be forever changed, I turned to food for a getaway. Now thinking back on how often I over indulged, I realize how that could hinder a positive recovery and even just knowing that now makes me repulsed at the thought of food. I take this very seriously, and know that I will find a way to make this something that I can forget about someday. I go to physical therapy 3x a week to strengthen core muscles. I don't have a 6 pack, but my stomach muscles are substantially stronger than when I started so I'm making progress. My physical therapist actually herniated his L4/L5 15 years ago and his plan was to strengthen core muscles and he said all was well for a few years then suddenly one day his disc suddenly collapsed without reason. Since then he had a fusion, but still does core exercises everyday to keep a strong core. I'm not a fan of that strategy for fear that that same thing could happen. As far as the idea of a fusion... Leverage is a law of physics that applies to everyone and everything every single time. I feel like agreeing to have a fusion is equal to giving up entirely. In the very end that may be what has to happen, but I'm going to do everything possible to try anything/everything else first. As far as the trials, i checked that website and it appears that there are not any going on right now for lumbar M6 disc replacements, but if anyone else finds something that could lead to that please let me know. One more thing, does anyone else with similar injury ever have an urge to have someone pull their right leg straight out while you're laying down? Like traction for your right leg only.. I feel like i want that sometimes. Is this normal? Thank you to everyone who takes the time to read this, and I'm sorry for whining but it's hard not to.
07-10-2014 - Herniated L4L5, L5/s1. Laminectomy performed
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