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Old 03-25-2015, 02:36 AM
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Cynlite, I am very sorry for what you are going through, my prayers are with you.

I was very similar to you in problems, pain etc. I did two level beneath a fusion I had many years ago. In my opinion, no yelling at me, getting a fusion in the cervical area is a very stupid thing to do. I believe that if I did not have a fusion, I would not have damaged the other discs in my neck from my latest accident. After my surgery, no more arm pain, neck pain, etc. I am trying to get my strength back, but it is slow. I also was prescribed PT, and after a couple of visits, I experienced horrible pain for a couple of days a few hours after the second appt. They used traction on my neck and it was a huge mistake. My C5-6 was really bad, almost gone, and C6-7 was bone on bone, much worse than X-ray or MRI showed. I think because of where you are, PT is kind of a waste of time for you, especially since you are doing some exercise.The only problems I have now are stiffness in my neck every once in awhile and migraines for days. Since I am only 6 months out I expect the stiffness, and I had the migraines after my fusion, so I guess it goes with me having surgery.
1979 car accident: rear ended
1980 ACDF C4-5
4/8/11 stopped, hit again
3 epidurals, PT, 2 MRI's,etc.
scheduled 3 times for C5-6, 6-7 fusion,
plus laminectomy at C3-4, and C 7, advised to do Bilateral lamino-foraminotomy C5-6, C6-7,a Percutaneous Discectomy L4 -L5
7/14 RFA on L3 to L5 (awake, local only)
C5-6,6-7 M-6 ADR with Dr. Clavel 9/17/14,
12/7/15 RFA L2-S1, Facet injections C2-7
6/3/16 RFA L2-S1, epidural L4,5, 8/26/16 RFA C1-7
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