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Old 11-10-2016, 03:25 PM
robertr2112 robertr2112 is offline
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Join Date: Oct 2016
Posts: 12
Default Hello, future 3 level cervical ADR patient

Hi Everyone,

My name is Bob and I'm currently scheduled to have a 3 level (C4-C7) ADR with the Mobi-C done by Dr. Blumenthal at Texas Back Institute on 12/6.

As the date gets closer I'm getting more freaked out about the surgery. (Maybe I'm reading TOO much on this forum.)

As a background, here is my history.

I was involved in a car accident in 1997 that ended up causing whiplash and two years later was diagnosed with a herniated disc at c5-c6. They recommended a fusion surgery but I declined. My initial symptoms were major muscle weakness in left shoulder/arm.

Instead I started an, almost, decade long approach of Chiropractic/acupuncture/rehab that has been mostly effective in managing my symptoms and returned most of my strength to the arm. Unfortunately, the problem continued to deteriorate and I started to have pain radiating down both my left and right arms.

In 2007, I finally went to a neurosurgeon who I had read was, finally, doing cervical ADR. Unfortunately, my MRI showed I now had a two level problem (C4-C6) and only one level ADR was approved in the US at that time. So, no luck.

I returned back to my rehab approach and waited. In 2013 my symptoms got more severe. Major pain along both arms (thumbs, elbows, and shoulders) as well as muscle spasms all over the same areas.

I started getting epidural steroid injections in November 2016 and they immediately relieved my of all symptoms. However, it didn't last long. I have been doing the injections every 3-4 months for the past 2 years. And recently I've had some new symptoms appear even after the injections, and the injections are not as effective as they were initially.

So, In October I went to see Dr. Blumenthal and after a review of the MRI I now have a 3 level problem C4-C7) And he recommended a 3 level ADR using the Mobi-C.

And now back to my freaking out....

I keep reading about all of the potential HO issues(never even heard of that until 2 weeks ago, Dr. Blumenthal never mentioned it) and other potential problems/complications from the surgery.

I am now terrified that having the surgery will have me leaving a manageable (although very life limiting and still sometimes quite painful) situation and enter a possible unknown one that is not manageable at all.

I'm not sure if I should be proceeding with the surgery or keep waiting it out while it is still mostly manageable.

I'm hoping some of you on the board can help steer me in the right direction, because at the moment I feel completely lost. I would love to get back to some semblance of normal life but I'm not sure surgery is a guarantee of that outcome.

Thanks for listening.
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