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Old 06-17-2007, 09:28 PM
LBP LBP is offline
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Join Date: Aug 2005
Posts: 446

Okay everyone, this may be the time to email Oprah about our coverage issues. Oprah has a link asking for people to email her about our health insurance woes. See


Harrison has helped this movement by agreeing to gather our stories under a closed thread "True Stories from Patient Insurance Nightmares"

You can send your story to Harrison at,

Keep it short and simple but relate it to your ADR experience and US health insurance denial/fight for coverage. why did you end up going to was that experience. If you cant get surgery because you were has that affected your life. If you payed out of pocket because of an insurance much better are you after getting your surgery.

As Harrison stated, WE can also use a link to these stories in letters/emails we send to local news organizations/congressional representatives. Harrison is seeking out national venues...but we can help by going to local media and our representatives.

For those who may not know about this new documentary...don't feel bad, it's not released yet, but when it is...go see it! You might not agree with Michael Moore's politics, tactics, or past documentaries, but this latest one "SICKO" relates to us all. If you have or had health insurance that refused to cover your ADR surgery...then this movie/documentary is about you! This movie is about how we think we have health insurance but when something happens and we need them...they find ways to save money by not covering medically necessary tests and procedures.

This documentary is gaining national regconition by every major news media, and people of influence, regardless of being a Republican or Democrat. There have been interviews and stories everywhere, Bill Maher, Lou Dobbs, Fox News, Nightline, Oprah, etc.

I just happened to see Moore on Oprah and Oprah has asked for people to send her stories about Health Insurance experiences.

The only people that will HATE his movie are CEOs in the insurance industry.

One very controversial thing he does in this movie is take several 911 emergency response people with health issues and takes them on a boat to Cuba...actually he tries to take them to Guantanamo Bay's military prision because that's were President Bush has bragged about suspected terrorist retainees receiving top notch health care. Moore's boat of people were not allowed into the American Base at Cuba and so they went to Cuba and got better care than these 911 emergency helpers have gotten at home. Now Moore is under investigation for allegedly breaking laws for traveling to Cuba.

The other controversial theme is Moore's proposed solution of having socialized medicine and he goes to Canada and France and other places to compare our system to theirs. He is opening a dialogue about our broken health care system.

People are listening and that's why this is a perfect time to speak up! We can argue over policy later. Get your story out NOW!!!!

Injured 9/01
Annular tears L4/5 & L5/S1
denied adr by insurance for 2 level charite as well as hybrid fusion at L5/S1 with Charite at L4/5.

New ins paid for 2 level lumbar prodisc surgery on 4/7/08 (at age 39) with Dr. Westerlund, at Core Orthop
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