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Old 11-10-2007, 12:55 PM
kanutta kanutta is offline
Join Date: Dec 2005
Posts: 40

I think one has to ask oneself who the forum is for:

"is it for patients or is it for surgeons?"

If the answer is: "for the patients", then the patients must be allowed to tell their story and allowed to own their patient history without interference.

That said; I have been a moderator at a chronic pain board a couple of years, and know that running a board is not easy.
I decided to quit as a moderator; essentially because the board didn't play by democratic principles. Boardowners are not forced to do so, but it will benfit the board in the long run if democratic principls are followed there, as in "real life".
Internet is quickly becoming "real life" for more and more people, and ethical issues will come up as internet becomes an everyday medium just like TV or newspapers.

Yes there are rules on a forum; but rules are subject to interpretation, and don't neccessarily guarantee justice.

Ethical standards will always go further and above law and rules.

We can have lawful rights to do things, but it isn't always ethical uf us to do so.

This forum is a great ressource, and I tell the norwegian spineys looking for ADR information to go here, I link to this forum; it is the best place on the internet in my opinion.
Because it reflects the reality, both the good and the bad outcomes. And open discussion! that's so important to keep a forum live, and that's how we learn more about a subject,... by discussing it.

I think you have made a mistake Harrison; with Anastasia and Matt, and that you should make it right.
You do a lot of good work with this board, and I like the others am very grateful for it. That we critizize you for these latest happenings on the board, doesn't mean that we are not grateful for what you have done and are doing for spine patients.

But I agree with Lyndsay and Tmont and several others here, if this is going to be a community in the right sense of the word, it can't be brushed under the carpet.

There are so many people here that contribute with their experience and intelligence, and I would hate to see them take resentment to the board and stop contributing.

There are bound to be conflicts from time to time on boards like this; people in a vulnerable life situation; living in great pain.
There is also something called timing; and the timing couldn't be worse as I see it. I remember when I was newly operated; you don't need extra stress like all this.

Anyhow, I think Anastasia must be allowed to own her own story, that's what it boils down to.

Hope it will all be sorted out, and that the board will continue to be the great ressource for ADR-information as it has been.
cervical disc disease C 4-6, foraminal stenosis at c6
3 transforaminal epidural injections, good relief. Cervical fusion with peek cage c5-6 in may 2006.
Better, but C4-5 probably a problem.