Thread: bicycling
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Old 08-17-2007, 02:08 PM
Grizz Grizz is offline
Junior Member
Join Date: Dec 2006
Posts: 28

Hi Robby,

I'm sorry about your sisters accident! Those of us that search for the fullest meaning of life expose ourselves to risks that most people would never think of. Accidents hide behind every minute of every day in everyone's life. When I found myself sliding under that car I was somehow comfortable with what happening because I was doing something that means a great deal to me. Granted, I came out the whole event with only scratches and bruises, but in hind sight if my outcome would have been worse at least I was riding my bike not just walking across the street.

Having part of our physical ability stolen for a day or forever is a bad deal, to say the least, but it is no reason to focus on what has been lost. Instead, it is a reason to refocus on the future and the potentially exciting opportunity life has to offer. Human spirit is indestructible as long as one desires it. Give my best to your sister. By the way, the woman with MS that swam the Cour d' Alene triathelon may be looking for a runner / wheel chair for next years race. Her sister did the run this year and is on record as saying that next year may be the year for a friend as opposed to a family member to do the run leg (no spirit ha ha).

Keep the spirit,
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