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Old 03-03-2007, 03:42 PM
ClassicZippo ClassicZippo is offline
Join Date: Jan 2007
Posts: 71

I am not on Nerontin or Lyrica at the present time. My doc is reluctant to prescribe anything,tries to minimize my pain level and makes me feel like I am med-seeking(like I love feeling like a stoned,drooling moron ).I do plan on asking her about it next visit.She stated to me last spring "you have had a back problem for years,no one cares and you are no ones priority".At least she sent me for MRI,xrays, & appt. w/ pain specialist and ortho guy.My last doctor wouldn't refer me to anyone or for any testing.The state of our healthcare in Canada is appalling.Hence the increasing popularity of "medical tourism".There has been some recent talk of OHIP paying for procedures out-of-country, but I'm not holding my breath.BTW,I was relieved that the increase in pain I am having is "normal".
wedge compression #L1 1989 - assaulted by patient at work
Herniation L4-L5,L5-S1
the usual... myelograms,MRI's,CT scans,xrays,EMG
epidural blocks
facet injections
"serious degeneration" L1-L2
Discogram - L1 - S1 -discogenic with L3/4,L4/5
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