Thread: Bad news - FDA
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Old 01-03-2006, 12:07 PM
letteski letteski is offline
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Where does you OSS get his information is he a part of the ProDisc study, does he go to conferences on a regular bases and keep up on the latest technology? Because if he did he would know the ProDisc lumbar arm of the study was written as a multilevel study. Why would he believe it would take so long for approval if the study started at the same time? (unlike the Charite) It just doesn�t make sense to me. I would seek another opinion I think he just wants your business and you know he can only do a 1 level Charite for you.

Just my .02
ProDisc L5-S1 W/Dr Delamarter Aug 23, 2005
L5-S1 DDD Diagnosis 12/04
T-12 Compression Fracture 10/04
C-7 Spines Process Fracture 5/99
You are my Rock God in you I can do anything
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