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Old 04-27-2005, 02:29 PM
bobb0 bobb0 is offline
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Join Date: Oct 2004
Posts: 99

Jim, I was looking forward to seeing you here in the NW, but considering all you're going through reducing stress is a huge factor. I am so very happy to here that things seem to be getting better in the lumbar region!!!!!

Mark, if indeed Brian is also making improvement than perhaps we still have hope here for Janet's eventual recovery.

Ans, since I lived here my entire life we take for granted all that is here. When you describe some of the places it lights up my memory banks.
How long were you a B'hamster?

We are very blessed here, from bald eagles sitting in our tree and top of garage next to a small stream where salmon snorkle their way up to spawn, the islands and Cascades 50 miles apart and situated between Vancouver and Seattle. It would be nice if it was a little warmer, one can only count on 4-4.5 months shorts weather.

For all you other former, future, or current NW enthusiasts, if you are ever up Bellingham way I would love to buy you lunch and chit chat.

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