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Old 02-25-2006, 06:24 PM
Posts: n/a

Hi. I have been purusing your forum and have already found it helpful to me. Thank you all, for that. I'm hoping my family will join soon, also. I would like to introduce myself by giving some background -

I'm 47yrs old, married to a wonderful man for nearly 27 yrs and the mother of 2 fine sons. I had a ray-cage fusion at L5-S1 in 1999 and I'm doing fine. My husband (48)is disabled due to back problems-has never had any back surgeries and was told about 2 years ago that he was inoperable & to never expect to work again. Now,we are managing O.K., for the most part, with his situation. His SS disability was granted last month. Our 21yr old son hydroplaned in his truck returning back to school (UF)after Thankgiving & hit the guardrail. He injured his back (herniated disc)and is in PT. I don't think he is progressing as well as he should, so I am going to UF to see about him in 2 weeks. I'll know the skinny on his situation before I return home.

With that said, from here out is why I'm seeking your help today:
Our eldest son, Josh is 24yrs old. He has a PLIF fusion at L5-S1 done in May 2003 (due to a rear end collision). In June 2005, he was electrocuted at work and it threw him backwards into another lab table. Initially,(for 3 weeks) we thought the pain was caused by damage to his fusion. As it turns out, his original surgery appears fine, but his L4-L5 disc is split in half and his neurosurgeon has recommended surgery. The L3-L4 doesn�t look good either, but the surgeon only does fusions and doesn�t want to do the L3-L4 at this time. He is concerned about the deterioration that will be caused by having 2 fusions, especially since the L3-L4 is already deteriorating. We discussed ADR - he expressed a lot of reservations about it, but in his second breath informed us that he might start doing them in a year or so. He recommended getting a second opinion.

First, let me say that I praise the Lord that Joshua wasn�t killed in either accident. Both were extremely serious accidents and we are blessed to have him still with us. However, I am HORRIFIED at the thought of a 2nd fusion and very likely a 3rd to follow! I�m afraid he�ll be disabled for the rest of his life, if not immediately, within a few short years. Based on all the material I have read, I believe his best opportunity for a productive life is to have the ADR surgery. But, we are open to alternatives, as it is all so new.

At this time, he is tempted to just have the fusion (if & when WC approves it) because it would be the quickest solution & he & his wife are at the end of their rope. Also, he is concerned that if something were to go wrong in Germany, he would have to come home and no doctor would take him as a patient. He is afraid of them having to go through the stomach. He is concerned that it may not be successful since it will be on top of a fusion. Josh just got married last March (wonderful girl) & she has stood by him, but is just plain afraid of the whole foreign country situation. He is concerned about paying for it even though we are perfectly willing to take care of the financial part - (This is a worker�s comp situation and it has been an absolute nightmare! Joshua had to hire an attorney just to make them provide him medical care. Currently, the attorney has filed over 30 grievances/petitions, etc. JUST to make them approve necessary medical care (prescriptions, mri,PT,injections,dr appointments, a brace)! They are inhumane. If I treated one of my animals like my son has been treated - I would be arrested for abuse!) This is why we are fed up with WC and are willing to pay to get his back fixed. We are mid-class working Americans and have always paid for everything we get. If he ever recovers from WC he can pay us back.)

How soon can they schedule a surgery? Who should do it? I believe, time is of the essence, since the disc is split.

Please advise me how to calm my son & his wife�s fears that I have mentioned above by giving me your perspective on these things. Anything I say about the surgery, they have a rebuttal. It is all overwhelming at times for all of us.

I am grateful to you for allowing me to write you and also your concern for other back sufferers. Thank you so much for sharing. Any help you can give us will be greatly appreciated.

Thank you,

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