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Old 11-25-2004, 07:26 AM
wbaker68 wbaker68 is offline
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Join Date: Oct 2004
Posts: 240

Thanks Rich.

Yesterday was a long day. Was told to be at hospital at 10:30 for procedure at 11:30. Well they didn't roll me into operating room until after 3. By then I had a huge headache and as a result of lack of food as no food before midnight. Boy, was I miserable. Fort. the procedure was pretty quick and we were out of hospital by 5:30 and on the road home and believe it or not, traffic wasn't too bad for a holiday evening.

The removal went well and my BUTT is sore now. Didn't sleep too well as I have only been icing the area and refuse to medicate.

The battery was removed as it was still causing my only pain. The area was sore to touch and numb most of the time. Just was plain uncomfortable. The spinal cord stimulator was wonderful while I needed it but since I haven't used it since my ADR surgery, there was no need to continue with discomfort of the battery. The SCS was implanted about a year and half prior to my ADR. I had planned on waiting until after the new year as I had enough with ADR surgery, but my brain kicked in and reminded me that I already met my $1,000 deductible and why pay that extra money next year. I hope I don't need to use my insurance much next year!!!

In addition, I only had the battery removed and the wires remain inside me. That is due to it being a much more extensive surgery to remove the wires and not really necessary. I would have been cut open in two different areas and would have required some down time, of which I did not want.

Anyway, today will be another sore day and I might eventually succumb to some meds, but for now going to try and make it thru the day. By tomorrow pain should subside and just leave my BUTT black and blue a bit. Staples removed in 10 days and back to my new life post-ADR.

Anyway, thanks Rich and I hope all of you have a Happy Thanksgiving!!

Spinal Cord Stimulator Implant 6/11/03; Discetomy 12/89; L3-S1(3 level) ADR, August 7th, 2004 by Bertagnoli in Vienna, Austria.

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