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Old 02-24-2008, 01:48 PM
Bridgett Bridgett is offline
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Join Date: Feb 2008
Posts: 12

I have had a lot of muscle pain in my neck and shoulders for about twenty years. I believe it all started when I was working for a brass and glass distribution center. One of my jobs was to count the merchandise on the trucks as they were being unloaded. On this particular day we were unloading 6 foot wood and glass tables. As the guys were unloading them one of the tables slipped and hit me in my head. I remember feeling like my head had exploded, but went on about my business, going to chiropracters when the muscles would become very intense. Fast forward to around 2004, I woke up one morning with what I thought was a crick in my neck. I could not turn my head and I had pain radiating down my left arm. This continued for a while and I finally went to my doctor who put me on muscles relaxers and eventually sent me to physcial therapy. Many dollars later the pain had continued but I was able to turn my head, so in 2005 my doctor ordered an MRI, which showed some DDD and a 2mm disc herniation at C5/6. He offered physical therapy, again, which I refused, so I began trying massage, chiropracters, anti inflammatory but still no real help. At this time I was also beginning to get really bad headaches, along with the muscle pain in the neck, shoulder and left arm. This continued and we decided to began trying injections. The doctor that would be doing the injections requested a new MRI. Right before the MRI was scheduled I was rear ended while at a dead stop by a woman going 50 MPH. This seemed to make everything worse, and when we did the new MRI, it now showed the disc to be extruded 9mm. with some bulging in I believe C4/5 and in the thoracic area. We tried the shots but I did not get any relief and I was referred to a neurologist to discuss surgery at the beginning of this year. I met with Dr. Lori Summers in Hammond, Lousiana to begin discussing my options. She mentioned fusion which I was very much against, and then told me that I was a good candidate for the Prestige ADR. I decided that was the way I wanted to go, so we filed the necessary papers with my insurance company, and I was told to be ready to appeal, because they all turn you down the first time, but God was on my side and my surgery was approved within 3 weeks. I was scheduled for surgery January 18. I am now home and recovering. I will post more on the ADR surgery forum about my recovery later. As for now I am tired and ready for a break.

neck, shoulder and left arm pain for 3 1/2 years. MRI in 2005 showed 2mm disc herniation, MVA August 2007, new MRI showed 9mm disc extrusion. Prestige ADR Feb. 19,2008. On the road to recovery. Looking forward to getting my life back.
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