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Old 06-23-2007, 01:12 AM
tmont tmont is offline
Join Date: Jan 2006
Posts: 442

Hi Dutchman,

Welcome--looking forward to hearing about your experience, and I hope you're doing better after your surgery. You certainly sound upbeat at least.

I assume you're a lumbar case? I'm a cervie here in France and have experienced the system as it pertains to cervical ADR; your insights will be a welcome window into the lumbar side of things.

Who did your surgery, and where? An insurance question for you: if you're Dutch, I'm 'pre-assuming' you were able to use your European citizen status to have part or all of the procedure covered; can you confirm? I know quite a few non-French (but European) cervie cases who would be very interested in your experience with coverage as a citizen of the EC.

Take it easy during your recovery and get back to us when you can.

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