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Old 09-08-2008, 09:55 PM
Corry Corry is offline
Join Date: Aug 2008
Posts: 36

Well, up until this last injection they always took the pain right away. Yes my pain used to be intermittent thanks to the injections. This time though, at least round 1, has failed. I'm still holding out hope the steroid is just slow to react this time...but I got my vicodin refilled this morning (thank goodness for that, w/o it sitting for extended periods of time is quite painfull, vicodin takes the edge off it )

Prior to this last big flare up, I'd often have no pain and it would spike to maybe a 2-3, even as high as a 4. My back sorta saying, "Hey! I'm still here, and I'm still injured!".

So I guess here is my official condition update. The injection, as mentioned didnt seem to do much. For the period the numbing agent was in effect, I was great! Could have played some sports Once it wore off there was pain, but much less then before the injection. Slowly though, the pain has built its way back up to about pre-injection levels, and its pretty constant now. No fun. This is getting into that situation I was hoping to avoid. I'm also getting a light tingling in my right toes, and some pain/strange sensations in both my legs, though, more on the right.

Hopefully a miracle will happen and the FDA will announce that they will meet to discuss the fate of the maverick in a week. *sigh* and maybe my spine will spontaniously regenerate! I think there's about a roughly equal chance btw those 2 I have written both my senators, and my representative, and the FDA. I doubt it will do much, but I had to do something.
Late 2001-2002 Original Injury - Moved Buick V-6 engine bare handed. L5-S1 Herniated
Vioxx and Cortisone injections to treat it
2007 Wanted to become more active, went to Virginia Spine Institute w/ new MRI. L3-L4, L4-L5, and L5-S1 Herniated. Sc
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