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Old 08-06-2006, 06:29 AM
Mariaa Mariaa is offline
Join Date: Nov 2004
Posts: 1,121

ans~ wombhood ~ hormones, think about it.
Dina~ my case originated in the early '80's.
BTW, as far as I'm concerned, many of us are just venting frustration and well within the forum rules and regs ~ just a rant, a vent.. and jokingly for the most part (tho truly we are hurting and that much cannot be masked thru humor).

I think this has been a good thread for those of us that need a place to vent to each other going through something similar and understanding where the other person is coming from emotionally/psychologically (if I may go so far as to say that).

Another thing to think about is even when the Prodisc implant is FDA approved, this doesn't necessarily mean the insurance co. will authorize surgery utlizing the implant (esp. WC). Start gathering info re Appeals. Better to have some information sooner than later.

I myself was surprised that the hybrid surgery was denied not so much for the Charite part, but the fusion at L5S1.

Seeing my OSS this coming week to prompt an Appeal, and hopefully it will be a thoughtful one that replies to the Denial/Non Cert and all points made.

Continued good luck to all awaiting single or multilevel Prodsic FDA approval. Hopefully it will be soon...
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