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Old 02-15-2005, 04:33 AM
Sabrine Sabrine is offline
Join Date: Dec 2004
Posts: 48

I have also used Polar for many years when I was in shape(have the old M32 model.)I mostly used it when I went out running. It made the training more fun when I was abel to measure everything and gave me the extra motivation "to give it all." Many of my friends have some of the latest versions and I haven't heard anything negative about them. Polar is a safe buy.
Good luck!

2 level Prodisc L4/L5 L5/S1 at age 24
Dr. Bertagnoli
April 22 2005
Now 4 years later, struggling with severe pain most possible related placement of the Prodiscs
At the moment trying to diagnose what's wrong.
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