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Old 05-06-2008, 07:58 AM
mgs32 mgs32 is offline
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Join Date: Nov 2007
Posts: 10

1) What was the BEST thing that happened to you during your spinal ordeal?
I gained an even greater appreciation for how amazing my family is. I learned that my fiance really will be with me in sickness. I was able to spend the first month and a half of my new nephew's life with him.

2) What was the WORST thing that happened during your spinal ordeal?
My parents were worried sick about me 24/7 and it was awful to see how much this upset them. This put a lot of stress on my personal relationships, both with my fiance and with my friends. It was really difficult to find the desire and strength to go out and have fun, never mind just be in a good mood.

3) What did you find was the MOST helpful in your recovery?
A woman at work who has spent a lot of time in the hospital gave me a water bottle to use during recovery. It was amazing. I'll have to find out the name of it, but it looks like a nalgene bottle (though it isnt), and has a big straw inside the middle of the bottle. The best part is, it doesnt spill. So you can just suck out of the top of it, without having to tip your head back (which is very difficult after surgery). And it was way better and held a lot more water than a plastic cup with a straw. It was a huge help and I would highly recommend it. Having a big reclining chair in the living room was a huge help, too. I lived on that 24/7 for the first week or so. Finally, having family that will get you up and moving around was great. Walks made me feel so much better.

4) What was the LEAST helpful in your recovery?
People questioning your decision to have surgery.

5) Is there anything you wish you did or wish you were able to do before surgery that would have made life easier during recovery?
I wish I had prepared my family that the pain wouldnt be 100% gone right after the surgery. They were so concerned when I would say that I had some tingling in my arm/hand. It was difficult to explain to them that it was normal to continue to have this trouble for a few months after.
25 y/o female
Pain in neck, shoulder, arm, hand since Spring '06
MRI showed herniated disc at C5-6, DDD at C6-7
Doctor has recommended one level ProDisc-C ADR

ProDisc-C March 18,2008
Felt good for a few months, now pain in right side of head, shoulder, neck, arm, hand
MRIs and CT Scan suggest problem with facet joints
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