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Old 06-10-2005, 10:41 AM
sfmcfar sfmcfar is offline
Join Date: Apr 2005
Posts: 61


You may be right. She was definitely not hitting on all cylinders. The thing that *really* gets me is that MAMSI isn't playing by the rules. Most insurance carriers can decide for themselves what's "experimental" which is why so many people on this board are getting screwed. The exception is that if you're covered under a Federal Employee Health Plan (as I am), the carrier is not allowed to label anything that's FDA approved as "experimental." And when I try to point this out to MAMSI, they act like they don't even hear me. I'm reminded of the "Far Side" cartoon called "What dogs hear" - I think that MAMSI hears "blah blah blah blah artificial disc blah blah blah".

My hope is that my appeal to the US OPM will resault in MAMSI having to pay a fine for violating the regulations.
L5-S1 DDD and herniation
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