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Old 06-25-2007, 07:30 AM
Abbe Abbe is offline
Join Date: Feb 2007
Posts: 61

Hello Julaine,

I would be interested. Sorry this post is late but I haven't checked the board enough. I got my 3rd denial and what they say final from Blue Shield. I also sent my Discogram resultd to my uncle a radiologist in FL. to get a very trusted opinion. I am at my witts end. The ins. co. will approve a 3 level fusion yet all 3 doctors I have seen within the past year say dics replacement at the top level makes the most sense.

Abbe (North of L.A.)
Water ski accident 86'
Chiropractic& PT Pain meds
Discectomy Laminectomy
L5 S1 Partially sacralized
97' epidural injections
L3 L4 ruptured and torn
L4 L5 Almost no disk height left along with osteophytes
Left leg pain and tingling going down back of leg into heel & foot
3 appeals with BCBS no success Lost insurance.
Kaiser Permanente
L3-L4, L4-L5 Prodisc 9/18/09
C5-6 & C6-7 ruptured and looking at hybrid surgery fusion & Prestige ADR
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