Thread: Please Help me.
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Old 01-30-2005, 01:24 AM
Nichole Nichole is offline
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Join Date: Jan 2005
Posts: 106

Thank you Jim for the great advice. I will do just that. I am now at my second level of appeal and am going to request that appeal to be an inperson appeal. I will be bringing my Doctor who is an Orthopedic Suregon, his assistant, and we are also trying to get a representative from Charite' to fly out to attend as well. I am going to also in the meantime (after the recommendation from Richard) contact an attorney who speacializes with insurance issues. I also will be doing some research on ERISA to see if I can find some information to help my appeal process. I am going to do whatever it takes to win this battle and will post any and all information that has helped along the way. Hopefully I can help someone else as you are all helping me.

Thank you Richard for you help today! I cant tell you how much it means to me to have all of you on my side with the love and support. It helps me get through my painful days with hope.


ADR June 15, 2005 WOOOO HOOOOO
Herrniated L5-S1, Tear in Annulus
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