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Old 02-27-2005, 11:44 AM
Mariaa Mariaa is offline
Join Date: Nov 2004
Posts: 1,121

I've asked both spine surgeons that I saw regarding having ESIs rather close to surgery as I was living in Florida at the time and would have had to fly to CA. and stay for this surgery and some post op time.
Both surgeons said it was "ok". However, what I would recommend is that if one was getting a diagnostic discogram prior to the surgery just to make sure at what levels pain can be recreated, personally I would opt not to have the ESI 2-3 months before surgery if possible.
All the PMs and OSS's I've talked with said the injections are only good for a month's time.
What is often tried with patients tho is the series of 3 ESIs given every 2-3 weeks so that there is an overlapping effect and also a hope that the relief will last longer.
I believe this is when there is less wrong than with we previously surgerized persons, facing the liklihood of more surgery for relief as the damage is done so to speak and not likely to be easily quieted or dispelled.
Have you addressed this question to Dr.Fenk-Mayer?
I doubt one more ESI is going to do any more damage than what has already been done but I know we differ in opinions here.
Dr.Whitworth over at MGH might be a very good resource. He's a PM specialist that answers questions there quite often: and then scroll down to Spine Disorders and address a new topic question to him directly.
You may have to register for this website if you're haven't already but it also is a good resource website tho a bit too big for my liking..
take care and good luck with your pain level and upcoming surgery~
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