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Old 06-13-2008, 12:14 AM
ZorroSF ZorroSF is offline
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Join Date: Oct 2006
Posts: 303

I had ADR with Zucherman. He's an extremely busy surgeon. He's been doing ADR on ProDisc since the FDA trials. He is also pushing flexicore. I don't know if that's over, but I believe he waives his fee if you enter the trial.

I personally saw the disc and didn't like its engineering, but that's just me. I'd look at the stats he's aquired first.

He also didn't do any testing on me. He looked at my MRI and said I am eligible for ADR at L5S1. Turns out I never was a candidate. Sure if you want an ADR he's a good surgeon, but you better be damn sure you're a candidate because you have a little one and a husband the last thing you ever want is a revision surgery.

I have been notified by another surgeon that I am a candidate for Fusion now. Nothing makes me more peeved than receiving a $70,000 bill and being harassed to pay up when I never got the surgery I most needed.

It all had to do with not taking my medical condition into my own hands. looking back I would've make as many surgeons as possible look at my MRIs and Xrays, and I would've asked them to test my facet joints and adjacent discs for pain generators.

don't follow the path I did. Do your homework. If you need to go to San Francisco, the I suggest you meet these surgeons too;

UCSF disc replacement

St. Francis Fusion surgery

I'll post more as I come across it. Looks like some docs have left some of the hospitals. I know there was another post for a doctor that worked at pacific medical center. that's one to look into also.
1/2006 DDD L5/S1

Prodisc St. Mary's 12/2006 not diagnosed properly pre-op and now have DDD L4/L5, facet calcification L5-S1/L4-L5, mild scoliosis and left knee pain. DDD: C3 through C6
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