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Old 03-09-2005, 12:18 PM
biffnoble biffnoble is offline
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Join Date: Feb 2005
Posts: 401

Hi Carolina:

Use pain relevers as needed, mostly for headache, neck pain. NSAD's, Tyenol, Neurontin.

Sleep study people = Nazis, ecept for a very nice cpap coordinator. Don't know what CO2 levels were, but I suspect they were normal.

I don't know if I'm apneic. Could be pain and pain origin based. Could be neuropathic. Just know that my sleep is very inefficient and it doesn't appear to be OSA. Sleep quality is definitely related to using my arms and sitting for long periods at the computer for example.

Working: computer, instrument playing, really sets off a cascade that goes from disturbed sleep/affect to full blown headache/dysfunction. Something is happening w/c-spine foramen on the right side which is irritated by the use of my right arm. It's very subtle but ends in serious pain and dysfunction. Maybe nerve irritation that produces delayed symptoms caused by inflamation. I don't know but I'm getting angry because I suspect a lot more effort could have been put into diagnosis but docs do the minimum, leaving me doing what many of us do, look on the internet for clues/solutions. It's odd because there's an underlying sense of being discomfited, non-welling being that is concurrent with pain.

This cycle is killing me. I desparately need to get a diagnosis of source of neck/upper posterior trunk pain (pathologic effect on all the neck and shoulder girdle muscles) which has been chronic, personallity altering, and life destroying for years. For some reason not a single bloody Dr. has been able to nail down the cause. I wonder what role my congeniatlly narrow c-spine canal plays. Whether somehow the cord itself is being irritated and "expressing" via inflamation. I'm begining to see that there are lot's of tests which might have been useful, but not a peep from the Drs. "healers". Next track: European top docs. They are hungry and have superior intellectual fire-power!

More to pique your curiosity: 2 EMG's negative, tests of from neck surface to diaphragm negative.

Thanks for your interest.

P.S. I love trees and envy your work. Do you and your husband do soil remineralization?
Cervical ADR of interest.
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