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Old 06-10-2005, 06:20 AM
Rein Rein is offline
Senior Member
Join Date: Apr 2005
Posts: 265


Do you think you could get a copy of those "guidelines"?

It's very possible the person who called you up was only reviewing your appeals process for things like number of days from the time the appeal was submitted until it was answered, which would certainly explain why that person had no medical training and needed none.
03/09/26 - Ruptured L5-S1.

Years of pain, discectomy, research into anatomy, hardware, clinical trials, facilities, surgeons, techniques, insurance. Attempts at ProDisc, Activ-L trials. Now, low bone density. D'oh!!!

At 61 years, no longer qualifying for trials due to my age (chronological, not physical or mental).

2009 - Working on improving bone density or getting rich so I can go to Germany, where medicine and insurance have gone beyond the Stone Age.
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