Thread: Doctor Problems
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Old 05-28-2006, 11:36 AM
Dale S Dale S is offline
Join Date: Jun 2005
Posts: 236

Wow Biff, well said,

I agree with most everything you said. Going to Germany was a financial decision, based on the fact that since ins denied coverage, the cost in Germany, including airfare, etc. was half the cost of going it alone in the US. Coupled with the experience level of Dr. B and the vertebroplasty cement, I had to decide on no life or a chance for one, pretty much a simple decision.

I was actually scheduled for surgery with Dr. Regan and was assured that he would care for me post Dr. B op, prior to my going to Germany. He has cared for many of Dr. B's patients. The problem arose when I didn't have his requested mylogram. Apparantly he feels a patient should adhere to his advice only, despite whatever another doctor thinks. I may be paraphrasing but if Dr. R was unfamiliar with my level of damage, would it not have been more prudent for Dr. R to consult with Dr. B, thereby increasing his own knowledge, before ordering invasive tests? I was only 3 weeks post-op, had just left Germany with the blessings of Dr. B and his staff, and Dr. R wanted me to undergo more testing? I didn't and that's where the rift occured. I guess, we, the people, have no rights when it comes to any bureaucracy.

Now, in addition to being angry and frustrated with our entire health care system as described by Biff, I'm also angry and frustrated with individual doctors who think they are ...

So Biff, waiting until the US caught up with the rest of the world was not an option for me. And so far, my insurance has covered my post-op care... though Dr. R requires full payment regardless of what ins allows.

Good luck to us all, Dale
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