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Old 01-18-2007, 01:15 PM
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Terry Terry is offline
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You are only 10 days out from having major surgery. I don't know how many levels you had done but the anterior approach is a butt kicking experience. I was drained for days afterwards and in pain for some time.

Like Alastair says; "Slow and steady wins the race". A wise sage. I am ten weeks out and still have some discomfort. The key is realizing that it probably took years to get you to the operating table. It requires patience and allowing yourself the time to heal. What are you doing for pain management? Do not be afraid to take pain medication. Used as prescribed it binds with the mu receptor site and blocks pain signals to the brain. You may become physically dependent through time which only requires a taper down from a competent pain management specialist. Pain medication will also help you sleep thereby helping with the healing process. You will not heal well unless you get some sleep. If necessary, have your doctor prescribe a sleep aid for a short period of time to help with sleep in coordination with the pain medication.

You will get there with time. If the pain persists after a couple more weeks you may want to consult with the surgeon. It sure sounds like what you are going through is normal.

Hang in there.

Terry Newton
1980 ruptured L4-L5
1988 ruptured SI-L5
1990 ruptured C5-C6
1994 ruptured C6-C7
1995 Hemi-Laminectomy C5-C6, C6-C7 Mayo Clinic
Bicycle Accident 2004
MRI, EMG, Facet Injections, Epidural Blocks, Lumbar Discogram.
Stenum Hospital Surgery November 4, 2006
Prestige Disc C5-C6, C6-C7
Maverick Disc S1-L5, L4-L5
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