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Old 06-17-2007, 03:55 PM
Julaine Julaine is offline
Join Date: May 2005
Posts: 39

i am considering contacting the media to do a report on this. if there is anyone who is interested let me know. I am going to contact them this week after i speak with my attorney. If you are interested in getting this out there please let me know. I am also contacting blue cross to let them know they will be *exposed* and have a chance to respond.
my email is
and from there i will give you my home number so we can talk.

we need to rally against this ridiculous negligence we are beingput through.

Back pain 16 years Chiropractic care 1993-1994DX 2003 DDD at L4 5 S 1January 04-Nov 04 Epi Injections October 04- March 05 Morphine, vicodin, Duragesic, June 05:Blue cross denied my two level ADR
august2005 woke up and had no feeling in legs was in
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