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Old 09-07-2007, 11:36 AM
NJWC NJWC is offline
Join Date: Aug 2007
Posts: 39

Well, not only am I a candidate for ADR (2 surgeons suggested ADR or Interbody Fusion) but I am also approved for ADR by my NJ WC insurance company.

Now it's time for scheduling (about mid october)

I'm feeling all kinds of feelings: scared, excited, unsure, etc. But in the end, I can't live with the existing pain that I'm experiencing - even though I am able to get up, walk around, drive, go away, etc. it's not comfortable as I feel constant pain and it has changed my lifestyle to a snails pace.

Thanks for all of the info here.
Charite ADR L5-S1 October 2007
Male, age 42, Hgt 6’ 1”, 195 lbs, Non-smoker, active retail sales manager, pain pre-ADR was chronic & "energy reducing".
02-01-08 Pain levels dropping. Energy good. getting Activity back.
05-02-08 Return to Work
05/08-05/09 Significant anxiety and depression due to loss of job (25 years).
08-16-09 Accepting pain levels of 4/5 at L5 area and left butt / upper left leg areas (charlie horse type of feeling).
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