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Old 03-16-2008, 12:34 AM
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geezer geezer is offline
Join Date: Mar 2008
Posts: 35
Default Hello From Brisbane

Here's my story (sorry for the length!)
I'm a 44 year old male with a history of episodic lower back pain (probably for 20 years or so)
I suppose my back would go out around every 5 years or so initially. It would take 3 days or so of rest and physio and then I'd be ok. About 5 years ago my back started to go out more regularly, probably every year.

In 2006, it went out 4 times! I had an MRI scan and discovered that I had a herniated disc at LS/S1 with a bone spur that was severely impingeing on my sciatic nerve. I went through all the conservative treatments, physio, epidural nerve block and eventually it was recommended that I have a PLIF by a surgeon here in Brisbane.

At this stage, I decided to look at alternatives. I found an excellent surgeon in Melbourne who disagreed with the Brisbane surgeon's options and suggested that a fusion would put too much stress on my adjacent L4 & L3 discs that also showed minor bulges. He suggested a partial discectomy/laminectomy, removing the bone spur and inserting a DIAM spacer implant at L5/S1 to raise the disc height and reduce some of the pressure on the disc. I had constant lower back pain (around 7/10 pain wise) and electric shock pain shooting down my left leg constantly (8-9/10 pain) I was wearing a lumber brace for support most of the time and needed Valium for muscle spasms and Panadiene Forte for pain.

I had the op last April and had a realistic view of what the outcome would be. I was told that there was no guarantee that the back pain would decrease but the leg pain should get heaps better. The op went well, the surgeon and hospital was fantastic and I walked the same day, albeit a few metres to the toilet.

I then embarked on a rehab program mostly involving hydrotherapy and walking. The pain in the leg had decreased but was still there. I had lost around 12kg throughout the year (pain is the greatest diet!!) and had muscle wastage from under-use of my legs.

Gradually I rebuilt my strength through Hydro over 3 months and I managed to go back to work part-time for around 12 hours a week. Sitting was a big problem for me, back and leg pain prevented me from sitting for more than around 30-45 mins but it was suggested that I get up and walk around regularly so I kept my sitting to a minimum anyway.
Last November, my pain started getting significantly worse and I contacted my surgeon who suggested another MRI. This showed that there was some scar tissue around the surgery site that had grown significant enough to hit the nerve again. I had another epidural nerve block (which did nothing) and was put on Lyrica for the pain. It was suggested that I try and walk as much as possible to see how I go on the Lyrica. My surgeon said that it was pretty normal for scar tissue to be a problem but I questioned the level of pain? He said that I try the lyrica and if things got persistantly worse then maybe a fusion was on the cards (but definitely a last resort)

It was at this stage that I found this site and began to grab as much info as I could. To me, if it was eventually gonna be a choice between fusion or ADR, I would go for ADR. I filled in the free questionaire at the AlphaKlinik site and much to my surprise Dr Zeegers phoned me from Germany that evening !!! He said that an ADR was a possibility but he would need to see the MRI's. He also said that scar tissue was in his opinion, " a non-diagnosis" This made me think that there may be an alternative, eventhough I hadn't been told I needed a fusion yet I was thinking ahead as I know how long things take!!

Anyway, following my surgeons instructions, my wife bought me a pedometer and I was averaging 2000 steps a day. The Lyrica initially helped but I had to keep upping the dose (started on 75mg a day, now on 300 mg a day)
A couple of weeks ago I noticed that it was becoming even more painful to walk and I was resting a lot more. Last week, I had major stabbing pains in my back like hot needles (every 15 mins or so for a day) The doc prescribed Valium which stopped the pain. So at the moment I'm on Lyrica, Panadiene Forte and Valium.

I have an appt to discuss my options in 2 weeks in Melbourne. Right now it feels like the plane trip would be too much but I'll wait and see. I have heard that Dr Matthew Scott-Young is a great ADR surgeon and is closer to me as he on the Gold Coast and I have filled in his questionaire also and will contact him after the Melbourne appointment.

This site seems like a great place, if like me you don't know much info on ADR and need to know more. I have no idea if I am a candidate but according to Dr Zeegers it seems I may be?

Anyway, if I can be of any help to anyone who is reading this please don't hesitate to contact me on this forum. I have had to stop and start recovery many times and know how demoralising it can be. Please hang in there.
There is always hope
45 yrs old
Neuroforaminal Stenosis, Herniation - L5/S1
Herniation - L3-4, L4-5

- 20 year history of mild to chronic back pain
- Sciatica/Leg pain - 2006/7
- Decompression, Discectomy, Posterior DIAM - Apr 2007
- Return to part-time work - Aug 2007
- Symptoms returned Nov 2007
- Discogram positive at L5/S1, L3-4, L4-5 July 2008
- Hybrid Surgery - 27th October 2008, 2 ADR's at L3-4, L4-5, ALIF at L5/S1
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