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Old 08-04-2006, 10:06 AM
Mariaa Mariaa is offline
Join Date: Nov 2004
Posts: 1,121

thanks for returning to post what you did above. I'm guessing that Eddie was just hoping you'd return to give the answers to the questions he was asking, not meaning to imply that you post and run like eat and run or rather with a negative connotation.

I'm a long term WC case, what the industry calls a "lifer" but since my case is so old and WC wants to close my case out/settle, they are forcing the issue and my old law firm says it's not worth retaining them for assistance as with new CA. laws and the age of my case (time between original injury and now and surgery being requested) it would be difficult to prove the relation in terms of DDD being natural progression or actually related to past 2 surgeries I've had. They advised me to take what I'm going to offered, they won't make any money from cases such as mine so they aren't even taking the very old ones.

Oh well, talk about depressing! I'm just hoping to get a decent amount that allows me to take care of at least some of my needs..

Good luck to you and others awaiting Prodisc approval here~ I'm hoping it's anytime now...
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