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Old 12-16-2005, 03:10 PM
ans ans is offline
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Thanks for the words Robert.

I wish there were better long-range ADR studies, esp. w/regard to the facet problems we're hearing here, etc. Also, each study should incorporate how many ADRs a doc has done in the matrix w/other variables. I kinda think that Johnson and Johnson partially screwed the pooch by having such high mark-ups with Charite's (e.g. $11K extra vs. Europe). I'm meandering: I partially blame the insurance problems in that the Europeans have had such lousy data imo.

Regardless, I wish you well in your decision and recovery in your Thailand pad.
Severe, extensive DDD, considered inoperable by Dr. Regan, Lauressen, & some guy at UCLA. Severe foraminal stenosis (guess they can't operate!) and some spinal cord compression that Lauryssen would fix if gets outta hand.
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