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Old 02-27-2006, 05:17 PM
Mariaa Mariaa is offline
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I had authorization for a 2 level ADR 2 years ago with WC here in CA. tho I was too afraid to have it done, and now I've been fighting the good fight to get that authorization back~ I just heard today that WC is once again referring me to the surgeon where I would have the surgery done (The Spine Center in Santa Monica) and I am to call tommorrow and get the appt. set up.
So, things are moving right along for me.

Yes, If I were to go abroad, without the authorization from WC to see the surgeon abroad (and they won't authorize that altho someone here did get auth from their WC insurance)~ I would lose my Lifetime Future Medical Benefits and right to be treated afterwards..

However, I could settle out those benefits first and then use the $ altho now because people in the past were settling their future med benefits and then spending the money meant to pay for their health care issue on other things and using Medicare benefits if they had them to pay for their health care~

When I received my Medicare health benefits I had to sign a form waiving benefits that were covered by WC insurance(for being totally permanently disabled) and now one must do something called a set aside fund or something else in terms of the award but to used for health care purposes on the injured part that WC was covering~ I think there are several ways to work this out; or just hope to be covered some other way if you choose to use your $ the way however desired rather than for the healthcare funds to be set aside ...

I went to the WC forum at and TamaraShadow who is an injured WC attorney has done a good job of making some of this information more easy to understand, at the moment at least because I've forgotten exactly what she said.. tho it's not all as easy and wonderful as it used to be (tho then again, what is?!).

I guess there were too many abusive or fraudulent cases/lawyers/doctors of WC funds being used inappropriately for too long~and Medicare system being drained by people that were actually should have been covered with WC benefits..disorganized and/or dysfunctional systems...

So yes, I understand how your son is thinking, I've have to consider the very same things re WC..

Good luck to him whatever he decides to do!
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