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Old 11-03-2005, 08:43 PM
Posts: n/a

Hi Sahuro. My consultant hasn't raised any issues re. my psychological state but the insurance company (for income protection not medical insurance) physio did when I saw her before I was diagnosed. She concluded that I needed to be 'consistently reassured by everyone involved in [my] case that there is no serious underlying pathology and encouraged to increase [my] function towards [my] previous levels.' The consultant who diagnosed me said that I need either ADR or fusion and won't get back to work without surgery (and doesn't have a problem with me having either from a psych point of view - for that matter my GP said in the appeal letter to the insurer that she thought I was sound and had taken a positive attitude to taking control of my back problems) so it just goes to show how wrong these things can be when you've got a physio who doesn't perform a proper exam, wouldn't be able to find the problem even if she did and bases the psych assessment wholly on the assumption that I'm a skiving whiney neurotic because my pain hasn't gotten better after all the different treatments I've tried. The insurance co have sent the surgeon's reports back to the physio for her opinion and said that they don't think that the diagnosis on it's own counts for much because all surgeon's want to do is find a reason to cut people open.

I guess it doesn't take much to get me on my soapbox when it comes to insurance in the UK these days!
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