Thread: Charite Surgery
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Old 09-23-2005, 08:44 PM
Posts: n/a

Thanks to Alastair and all the others who have posted replies and sent emails to me. I am in total agreement that surgeons need to start somewhere to gain experience, but have made the decision I don't want to be part of such a huge learning curve. I also understand it could be a total success. This is a personal decision and I have to follow my instinct. I want to give myself every opportunity for success and finding an experienced surgeon is fundamental for me.

I discovered Carolina Neurosurgery & Spine today, their website is
They are in Charlotte, NC, an hour and a half from me and are also part of my insurance network, which is good. They have performed Charite implants and my next step is to find out how many they have done and to see them. I called my Doctor here in Asheville, who was to perform the surgery at the end of October or early November and explained my concerns. My decision is no reflection on him or his skills.

Mark ******* was kind enough to call me lastnight and he related his experiences. He has been in operating rooms with Doctors performing their first Charite implant, their 10th..and so on and related that the 'learning curve' is huge with this surgery.

We all share the same goal and that is to get better! I don't plan to put it off; I'm being cautious. This forum is wonderful! I can't believe the information and support since signing on last week. I have much more to learn and I realize experienced surgeons are few; we're in new territory...but I have to find one, if possible. Best to all..Kim
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