Thread: ADR COST?
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Old 10-25-2006, 09:25 PM
nduetime nduetime is offline
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Posts: 13

Originally posted by cathy:
I'm baffled as to how the health insurance works in the U.S. Here in Australia the surgery is covered almost completely by insurance if you have it. Also, the don't decide who can and can't have surgery as I"m reading a lot of from the U.S. patients.
MY out of pocket quote is just under $5,000 from my surgeon incl. anaesthetist and assistant surgeon. I also have a $600.private hospital excess which I'll have to pay myself. Well worth paying my monthly premiums I'd say!
i'm think the cheapest way for an american to have the procedure done is to move to australia, become a citizen and purchase insurance there. it's rediculious the anout of hoops us americans have to jump through in hopes that we can get the procedure covered. in fact...i'm not even sure why anyone would get insurance anymore-b.
Chronic lumbar pain since at least 1996 (no major accidents, just pain)
Pinched nerve as a result from a Chiro. appointment - Jan. 2002
Lumbar Discetomy - Feb. 2002
Still experience chronic lumber pain but complete numbness on right side is gone t
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