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Old 10-15-2007, 07:32 PM
Carolyn Carolyn is offline
Junior Member
Join Date: Oct 2007
Posts: 6

I am new to this site. I found out about a month ago that I have 4 bulging cervical discs. The doctor said I needed surgery soon and the 4 would be fused. The surgery is set for Dec 17.

I had a miserable summer with my neck hurting so badly. I tried chiroprators (2 different ones) and massages. I felt like someone was pulling a cord in my neck very hard. I was most comfortable with my left arm up and behind my neck to keep it from pulling. All of a sudden one day the pulling quit, so I am more comfortable now. I still have numbing and tingling in my arms and hands. Some days I wake up and both arms are asleep, some days just my left arm, and a some days it is my hands. It is very difficult to turn off the alarm. Sometimes I have numbness in my my left outside toes.

I am afraid of this surgery, but not sure what to do. I feel like I must go to Tulsa, OK (Tulsa Spine Institute, Dr. Sherburn). I like what I hear about Germany, but don't think I could ever afford that.

I'm open suggestions and information.

Thanks, Carolyn
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