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Old 01-28-2009, 01:09 PM
treefrog treefrog is offline
Join Date: Dec 2008
Posts: 65
Default Second Opinion

I had my second opinion appointment. That was a disappointment. Well, he did order another MRI, which is good because the last one was over a year ago. And he did flexion and extension x-rays, though he didn't mention them during our conversation, so I don't know if they gave him any useful information.

He didn't seem to think that surgery was a good option for me. He did mention surgery, but made it clear that he didn't think ADR was proven to be any better than fusion. And apparently their department is really expert in minimally invasive fusion from the side. But mentioned that because of my transitional anatomy, he wasn't sure that they would be able to do the L5-S1 with that approach.

I have a follow-up with him, after the MRI. We'll see if the new MRI gives him any more of a clear indication for a procedure.

He said that what gives him a good idea that someone will have good results with surgery, is when they have clearly mechanical induced back pain (pain on standing or sitting, that goes away with walking or laying down [taking pressure off the disc]). Because I don't have clear mechanically induced back pain, it isn't clear to him, that surgery would benefit me.

I am so tired of this. I want to know what to do, but I know no one can tell me. I don't think this surgeon is the one that I will be going to, if I decide on surgery. But that is the only decision I've been able to make.

I am scared of losing my job, losing my boyfriend, of being in pain for the rest of my life.I am scared to have surgery, but also scared not to. I want to cry, then go to sleep until something is decided for me.
MRI 12/07
L4-5 Mild-moderate disc degeneration with dessication.
L5-S1 Mild disc degeneration with dessication, minimal disc bulging.

PT/medication/acupuncture/ESI's/facet injection

Discogram 12/3/08 confirmed L4/L5 & L5/S1 as pain generators.
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